What were you doing before joining the Nomad Academy program Julie?
I was working in commercial pricing and strategy for Qantas and Coke, and most recently as a management consultant for an insurance company in Australia. Being in the corporate world for a number of years, I noticed a recurring pattern that with each job I had, I’d always end up feeling unfulfilled. Going down the corporate path is the only path we’re taught in university, but deep down I knew it wasn’t for me.
Main reason for joining Nomad Academy?
It was a huge leap of faith but I came wanting to up-skill through the Coding course, and to find out what I actually want to do with my life. We’re in our final month in Mauritius, and I can say that Nomad Academy has blown my expectations out of the water.
What sets us apart from doing a traditional MBA or other remote study / accelerator programs?
I’ve changed so much as a person in terms of my growth mindset and how confident I am going after what I want, knowing that I’m backed up by a supportive community who are all driven to make a difference through what they do. These are things that money can’t buy.
“The professional skills you learn through the online course is incredibly valuable, but the personal growth aspect takes your career development to a whole other level”
How has your career changed, or have you committed to changing, through Nomad Academy?
When we were in Cape Town last month, I became very interested in the local startup scene around vegan food and beverages, specifically a nut milk brand called Almond Creamery. I’ve been researching more in this area and I see the opportunity in bringing these vegan products back to Australia through a branded platform that is accessible to more people. My goal is to change the mindset around how choosing healthier, vegan alternatives that nourish your body and carry less environmental impact shouldn’t mean sacrificing on taste.
A “remarkable career” is________?
Being able to do what you love while making a radical difference to the world around you, and believing that you can!
Any advice for those thinking of joining?
If you’re thinking of applying, you’ve already starting to question your reality and feel that hunger of wanting to do something, or be something more. Even if you don’t get into the program, keep chasing that feeling and never let go.